
This is me writing about musicals.

Today are the callback auditions for our school's fall musical, THOROUGHLY MODERN MILLIE.
I got a callback and it makes me happy.
I am not necessarily a great dancer, but I am determined to become Millie. Because I am going to rip the faces off those who are more or just as eligible as I.
So basically I am going to be the best Millie in existence. I will belt those notes like there's no tomorrow. But there is, it's a song in Annie, actually.

If I am not granted the part of my dreams, I would also enjoy the part of either Muzzy or Mrs. Meers.

También, mi amiga mejor, Bethany, va a ser la mejor "Pearl Lady" del mundo. Ella baila buenisima, y es muy linda. Yo estoy preocupada para los auditions, pero yo se que ella va a tener el parte de sus sonares.

Yo se que puedo hablar en español muy bien.

Anyway, that's my thoughts for the day. I'm really hoping callbacks go well. Wish me luck!


I am an arteest


what!? VHHHAAT?
look at it
it look at

it at look

it ta look


:( but now it's just salty m&m's :[

How does that make you feel?

I must FAP.
Fap fappety fap
today is it
i did not just make my powerpoint just now (2nd hour) for my FAPPETY FAP (3rd Hour)

Kelsey is looking at FONTS
such a fabulous website

Fonts make me happy and giggly inside
holiday fonts are a few of my favorites

Kelsey likes crowndoodle

Crowndoodle is okay, I like holiday fonts better

oh and then i went shopping

> I bought a gray sack dress thing
> I also bought a sundress and it isn't not too large for me
it isn't not the wrong size
> ALSO i purchased a pair of false eyeglasses and they are pretty hip
I have attached a photograph (Two actually, courtesy of my webcam)
(ugly = leather kinda girl)

"I was just going to type: bethany is sorta cute and i really enjoy her company. but seeing as you dont know who she is simply disregard that. or something. i dont use punctuatio"
>And so concludes bethany's corner.

Falsely, she says I do not have the right to ground her. Oh how sadly mistaken she is.
Oh, how sadly mistaken.

Well, I should be off, off to fap.
Fare thee well, loyal minstreloni.



YO. this is the noodle bowl portfolio cover I made, finished, finito!

i might add in some little super asian looking chibis, but other than that,

i will be printing this out and making it into some ramen noodle bowls.




I delete your opinion. The obsolescence of his sandwich and a dab of a man of honey in the third ringpop from the left.

That is the Secret.

Crack is the New Black

Once upon a time, there was a Tessa.

She blogged because she didn't know what else to do.
Her twisted, unique mind opened up to the vast ocean of people who wanted an exclusive invite.

What is she doing right now?
What are you doing right now? Take that, dip it in Dairy Queen cherry coating, eat it, vomit it back up, then frame it. What I am doing, what I  am perpetually accomplishing, is not processable to the average human. You flesh-covered popsicles of consumption know nothing of my world.

What world is that?
The world which that is, is the world of infinitely high fashion, infinitely null of sanity, infinitely in the mood to party with a middle aged hockey mom, six cases of bud light, and cheez wiz. We know nothing of the cosmos, nothing of your swirling porcelain bowl of fossil fuel. All We are concerned with is just the personification of the glamour. He and his diamond-hard exterior are the Buddha to our patiently anticipant lagoon of monks. He is never yours and always a negative pearl short of a ruby slipper.

Visiting this website may harm your computer? Visiting this life site may harm your identity. Visiting this Earth may harm your self esteem and image and lest We forget reputation. We never need to show you the truth, it is always behind us. What one must seek for herself is the true nature of the false. Truth is waiting for you around every corner, the false is hidden like a needle in a stack of more needles.

Crack is whack, kids!




I am supposed to be writing an essay or three for my film and comp class. One on the breakfast club, and two on some other movies. Scarface, I think. Good movie, not really feeling the whole essay-writing vibe.
So when I got tired of creeping through my facebook newsfeed, I remembered that I had this fabulous little blog, and I figured blogging would be a productive way to spend my time.
So I feel like writing about today's adventures at the dollar store.

Oh, dollar store. A beautiful place, located just to the left of Costco. Oh, sweet, darling dollar store. Everything is a dollar.
Every. Freaking. Thing. Is just a dollar. That's less than two dollars. That's less than a dollar and one cent.

This is today's net gain:
ONE (1) My Little Pony Coloring and Activity Book
TWO (2) "Bling Gems" self-adhesive rhinestones
THREE (3) 500-count bags of round silver rhinestones
ONE (1) 22-count bag of magenta princess-cut-style rhinestones
THREE (3) packages of cherry Pop Rocks
ONE (1) jumbo box of Sweet Tarts.

I am the luckiest little girl in the world.
I might want to explain, I have a quite unhealthy obsession with rhinestones. They mesmerize me, in all their shiny, sparkly, glitzy, glamorous, classy glory.  They are truly the most beautiful substance known to mankind. Anyway, now I have 1,522 of them, which should last me at least a few hours. 
I'm thinking of doing a photo shoot in which I entirely cover someone's face (perhaps my own) with silver rhinestones. It might be the most beautifully perfect photo shoot of my life. Everything will be silver and shiny and flawless. I could even photoshop my model/victim's eyes to be silvery gray and match the rhinestones. Ohhhhh man. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh goodness gracious golly goody gumdrops.

Know what else is absolutely stunning? My Little Pony. Perfection in cartoon form.

Basically when I grow up, I really want to be a fairy princess. I would be completely okay with wearing pink tutus and covering everything in glittery fairy dust and having a star-shaped sequin-covered wand and wings and AHHHH!

I love shiny things.

Also, Pop Rocks are great. As are SweeTarts. (spelling?) Sugar is delicious.
Know what's one of the best forms of sugar? The gooey liquified sugar they sell in tubes that makes it look like toothpaste. It's ironic, because it's the farthest thing from toothpaste out there. It's really the anti-toothpaste.
They should make candy toothbrushes you can use with liquified sugar in toothpaste tubes. So you can get sugar into every crevice of your teeth, making sure each little area has an equal chance to get cavities.

Okay, I'm going to go now. Not because I'm actually going to go write my film paper, though. Homework is for the weak.

P34C3 H03$


i am determined to become an accomplished lomographer. this is what i am going to make pictures like.

except really.
fo ralz.


my thoughts on:


- i adore them, prefer lap dogs. large dogs can be cute, but not necessarily for me.
-my top five dog breeds (in no particular order):
-beagle (puppies only)
-shar pei
-bichon frise

-good place. i am definitely partial to montreal. the classy downtown part of montreal is the best, absolutely. i like that one department store that is basically an entire mall, except i forget what it is called. the only downside to shopping to here is that people walk up to you and speak in french, assuming that french is your primary language. however, my primary language is english. it is actually the only language i can speak fluently in. so when they say "Quoi ballet crossaint voulez vous?", i tend to answer with a blank gaze, and the occasional "excuse me?" or "i'm sorry...", hoping that they catch my drift. damn bilingual canadians. the french language is extremely attractive, however, so i don't mind being spoken to in french.

-a relatively legit communication device. i do not have one. i don't really enjoy my phone, i would probably prefer a blackberry. i have the LG vu, and it is a complete piece of crap, especially since it is a TV phone and i do not subscribe to TV.

high school photographers:
-the good ones are few and far between. i am continuously disappointed when i walk by the art case at school, only to see a lot of crummy photographs taken by "fashion photographers" and "tortured soul" artists. it frustrates me to no end. not to say there are no good ones, but for the most part, i am never impressed.


this is me brainstorming 

creative portfolio ideas:

ramen noodle bowl , customized label, portfolio DVD inside, label is designed to look like ramen, customized flavor/spice packet?

plain case, super helvetica-y?
my name
+things i like?

tv dinner? ---> customized packaging, inside box is tray with dvd inside, dvd label looks like tv dinner food?

sandwich, paper sandwich, dvd looks like a slice of bologna?

Those are some of my ideas.
For creative portfolio packaging.

I should go to a portfolio review or a few, at schools, perhaps CCS.
I should also make art.

_ Ideas for art projects :

-super macro photos
   -macro pix of water droplets on feathers, super cliche
along the same super cliche lines, super macro photos of glitter, eyelashes, water dropping onto things, water in eyes, glitter on eyes, glitter on water, water on cds, flowers, water/glitter on flowers, flowers and eyes and all that, fruit, fruit dropping into water, splashes, et cetera.
-photo shoots
- cute summery photo shoots, sundresses, outside, all that
-HOLGA pictures pictures pictures
- -use my holga, seriously
-pictures in a city, buildings/sky, double exposure, panorama
- fashion pictures with holga?
-Senior portraits?
   -make people let me take their senior portraits, because i want money, et cetera
  -perhaps ones outside (vs) set up studio
-Outside / take pictures of people in trees
-I want to do this:
-I want to paint trees and peoples bodies with tempera paint 
-  tree people!
 - finger painting outside / body/tree/etc painting party , take pictures at said party

- take a figure drawing class
-paint things, watercolor? some abstract/semiabstract acrylic painting over the summer?
-    semi abstract acrylic portraits
- drawings / abstract/semiabstract drawings of things i see outside, graphite/charcoal
-make things out of vinyl
-make clothes
-make dresses and shirts and do my shirt decorate-y project
- shirt decorate-y project
- get like twelve white men's v neck hanes tshirts and decorate them all differently




During Imaging class when we have spare time, mis amigos y yo sometimes spend some time a-doodlin' around on Adobe Illustrator. These are some of my fantastic creations.

Some More Photos

Some more of my photos, these are all from the 2008-2009 school year.

A Few Things

These are some photos I have taken for my imaging class at school.

Photography is something I really enjoy. I've been taking pictures and using Photoshop since I was a wee tot. I'm planning on studying advertising design or photography in college, perhaps both. It's definitely a passion of mine.

These are just a few of my photos, I have a deviantART account where I upload all my art:
